
The Shalom Choir, under the direction of Music Director Reginald Unterseher, rehearses weekly and provides the anthem during Sunday worship September through mid-June. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings in the Shalom sanctuary and on Sunday morning just before our service. All are welcome to share their voice in song.

Summer Special Music

During the summer months when the choir takes their break, others among us are able to share their musical gifts in worship of God and movement of the Holy Spirit. If you would like to sing or play an instrument, either solo or as a group, we would love to have you as part of the Sunday worship service. The music doesn’t have to be long, complex, or professional. For example, in the past Youth have shared their recital pieces. Contact Phyllis Baxter ( or 509-205-5848) to offer your music and select a Sunday. If possible, provide a few dates or range of dates so the schedule can accommodate all who would like to give of their talents.